Category : comfort

Water Heater Maintenance Facts You May Not Know

water heater maintenance

Your water heater is an important part of your home. Unfortunately, we often don’t realize it until one day, something goes wrong and we’re out of hot water. At Oliver, we suggest a water heater maintenance plan that can help keep your system running smoothly. We’ll evaluate your water heater on a regular basis to make sure it’s still in health and if not, we’ll fix it or replace it.

Here, we share some water heater maintenance facts you may not know:

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5 Benefits of a Heat Pump Installation

heat pump installation

Are you in the market for a new heater or air conditioning system? Consider a heat pump installation from Oliver Heating & Cooling. Heat pumps act as both a heater and an air conditioner to make home comfort an easy choice. During the summer, these units absorb the heat inside your home and release it outdoors, returning the cooler air to your living space. During the winter, the process is simply reversed to provide warm air for your home. Here are five benefits of a heat pump installation:

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6 Tips to Get Your Heater Ready for Winter

heating maintenance

As you know, the winter season can get pretty brutal in PA, NJ, and DE. From below-zero temperatures to feet of snow, it’s important to have a heater that works properly all season long. Here, our heating maintenance company shares some tips for preparing your heater so it can keep you warm when you need it most:

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The Importance of Generator Maintenance

generator maintenance

A generator is a great investment for your home – especially if you live in an area that experiences bad weather. Like other systems, you generator needs care in order to operate properly. Generator maintenance is an important part of owning a generator. At Oliver, our experts can help you schedule it on a regular basis.

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5 Benefits of Home Insulation

home insulation

When you think of insulation, you probably think about how insulation can keep your home warm in the winter. In reality, though, insulation is beneficial for your home all year round. At Oliver, we offer a variety of home insulation materials for your attic, walls, floors, basements, and more. It’s is a great investment, and here’s why:


Because insulation will keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, you and your family will stay comfortable all year round without having to crank up your HVAC unit, rely on extra blankets, invest in fans, or settle for a too-hot or too-cold home.

Energy Savings

Did you know that a home that is under-insulated or not properly insulated can lose between 20% and 30% of its energy? Air leaks around your windows and doors or in your attic or basement can waste your energy. That means that your heater and your air conditioner will have to work harder to keep your home warm or cool (and a harder-working HVAC system means a higher energy bill). With proper home insulation, you can keep your home efficient and keep your energy bills down.


No one likes to hear someone snoring in the room above them, and that’s where home insulation comes in handy. Home insulation helps to absorb the sounds that bounce off of your walls and floors, making your home a quieter place to live and relax.

Carbon Footprint

If you’re interested in living a “green” lifestyle, the right insulation (and the right amount of it) can help you do that. Since insulation allows you to use less energy and in return, produce fewer emissions, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint and your impact on the environment. Plus, we can help you pick out the right type of insulation that has the smallest environmental impact.

Resale Value

When it comes to insulation, not many people think about its resale value. If you’re thinking about selling your home in the next five years, updating your insulation can be the difference between a fast sell and a slow sell.

If you’re interested in the many benefits of home insulation, don’t hesitate to contact our HVAC specialists.


Now that you know the benefits of insulation, let’s talk about the other piece of the puzzle – air sealing. The right insulation is crucial, but if you’re leaving escape routes for your heated air, you still won’t get the results you’re looking for. Take a look at this case study to learn more:

If you struggle with hot and cold spots in your home, schedule an appointment for a free in-home analysis with one of the Oliver experts today!

Don’t Let Allergens Ruin Your Fall Fun

air duct cleaning

When you think of allergies, you probably think of spring allergies like flower pollen, but allergens can be heavily present in the fall as well and cause itchy eyes, sneezing, sinus headaches, and more. Our air duct cleaning company reminds you that the cooler temperatures of fall can bring several allergy triggers, including:

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3 Benefits of a Lutron Caséta Wireless Installation

home electrical service

Have you always wanted more control over your home? At Oliver, we offer Lutron Caséta Wireless, a state-of-the-art home technology installation that can make your everyday life easier in a variety of ways. Here’s why our home electrical service experts recommend Lutron Caséta:

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How to Cool the Second Floor of Your Home

air conditioning experts

Is your home’s second floor too hot? You’re not alone. Many homeowners experience a second floor that simply doesn’t seem to be getting any air conditioning during the summertime. Here, our air conditioning experts share some tips on what may be causing the situation and how to cool it down:

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