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How to Check Your Air Conditioning System for Problems

The time to investigate your air conditioning system for problems is before the weather gets hot. The arrival of those first warm spring days is your signal to maintain the AC. How to check your air conditioning system for problems involves a bit of cleaning and troubleshooting. Homeowners can sometimes clear up minor issues on their own, but this does not mean that you forgo professional AC maintenance.

Tools Needed

  • Flashlight
  • Screwdriver
  • Rake
  • Garden hose

How to Check Your Air Conditioning System for Problems Step by Step

For seasonal DIY maintenance:

  1. At the start of the warm season, go ahead and change the filter. Your cooling system needs a clean filter. You should aim to change it every one to three months.
  2. Clear yard waste away from the outdoor condenser unit. Debris that blocks airflow inhibits the system’s ability to dispel captured heat to the outdoors.
  3. Rake up the yard waste and trim any bushes overgrowing the unit.
  4. Spray off the fins around the condenser unit and the fan blades with a garden hose. The removal of dust and grime reduces friction within the moving parts and promotes efficiency.
  5. Turn on the AC to see how well it’s working. If it does not perform properly, try the troubleshooting advice below. Keep in mind that you might need professional AC repairs.

When to Hire an AC Technician When Dealing with Air Conditioning Problems

Any electrical issue with your air conditioner that you can’t solve by resetting the circuit requires professional attention. Even if resetting the circuit cures the problem, watch out for it happening again. It is not normal to have a recurring electrical problem. A fussy electrical system calls for a professional inspection. Any issues with the coolant are a no-no for the untrained homeowner. As mentioned, coolant is dangerous to handle. Only a qualified technician with protective gear should repair a coolant problem.

Oliver has a skilled team with experience fixing all cooling system electrical or mechanical problems. If your spring inspection of the air conditioner does not reveal issues, do not assume that your system is immortal. Seasonal maintenance will prevent breakdowns and extend equipment life. Contact Oliver today to protect your investment in air conditioning with a maintenance plan.

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