How To Install A Furnace Filter
Most maintenance and repairs for a furnace require professional attention. Fortunately, you can take care of replacing the filter yourself. The directions for how to install a furnace filter are largely the same for any forced-air unit. Keeping the filter fresh benefits the entire system.
A clean filter promotes better indoor air quality and reduces strain on the furnace. Clogged filters force air handlers to work harder and consume more power. You’ll experience the best results if you replace the filter 2 or 3 times over the winter. Filters are relatively inexpensive, and having extra ones on hand will help you stay on top of a replacement schedule.
Furnace filters often feature printed dimensions on the side of the product. This means that the old filter that you remove will tell which size to buy.

Tools Needed
- New filter that fits your furnace
- Sharpie marker
- Screwdriver or pliers
How To Install Furnace Filter Steps:
- Find the area on your furnace that contains the filter. Sometimes the edge of the filter is visibly exposed and you can simply pull it out. Other furnaces might require you open a panel to access the filter. A screwdriver or pliers might help you open a panel, but some slide off by hand.
- Take out the old filter, it should slide out easily.
- Buy new filters which are the same size as the old one.
- Look for the arrows on the filter that indicate airflow direction. These arrows must point toward the airflow within your system.
- To determine the direction of airflow, find the return duct connecting with the filter housing area. This brings in the old air that should flow through the filter into the furnace.
- Use the sharpie marker to mark the airflow direction on a metal panel. This will help you remember the most important part of how to install a furnace filter in the future.
- Insert the new filter with the arrow pointing in the correct airflow direction.
- If you had to take off a panel to access the filter area, put it back on.
Get A Furnace Inspection
Cold winters in the Delaware Valley place continual demands on your furnace. If your furnace has not been tuned up recently, contact an Oliver expert for an inspection. Regular maintenance by our NATE-certified technicians can improve efficiency and protect your heating system. Contact us today for more information.